little ebenezers...Thus far has the Lord helped us

"Come Thou Fount" was one of the songs we sang at our wedding. There is a line in it about "Here I raise my Ebenezer". This is talking about a pile of stones Samuel(7:12) raised after God meet him. I have been tempted to erect a pile of stones to remind myself how God meets me and is commited to breaking my cold heart and pulling me back to himself. I don't really think I have the time to keep this up, but maybe it will be a cyber ebenezer.

Friday, March 30, 2007

mom and her princess

mom and her princess
Originally uploaded by wendy t..
Mei Mei turned 3 recently and we had a princess tea party! It was so much fun! Of course mei mei was cinderella. We even painted the girls' fingernails! I am so glad she loves girly things:)

This time of year, I always remember the day we got "the call" about Amelia from our agency. It was a great day. It was also the same day she was abandoned. I can't help to also think about amelia's birth mom and pray for her. Our family is so blessed that she choose to try to give amelia a chance at life. I will never probably know why she was abandoned, but I think the fact that she was not aborted is proof that her birth mom loved her. Amelia is so amazing. I think her birth parents must have loved her to give her a chance. I am sure her birth mom remembers the day as well.
Amelia adds so much to our family and feels like she has always been with us.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

These are a few of my favorite things in 06:

Playing in the snow at RUF winter conference with the kids.
Celebrating 8 years of marriage
Throwing my daughter a tea party birthday.
Watching Isaac make sweet friends of his own at school.
Hearing Amelia use her words more and learning what she is thinking about.
Going to the beach spring break with friends and family.
Seeing Isaac play soccer for the first time.
Watching Cooper play soccer.
Watching Cooer and Isaac play baseball and t-ball for the first time.
Meeting some of my best friends at the Y and working out together as we share our struggles and our hope.
RUF summer conference and seeing the other RUF wives and kids.
Going to the pool most summer days and meeting friends there to play.
Throwing Cooper a Leopard birthday party
Seeing one of my best friends move home
Friends having babies
Going to St. Thomas with my husband to snorkel and reconnect.
Throwing Isaac a baseball birthday.
Sending Cooper to zoo camp.
Going on vacation with my family to the lake.
Having 10 hours of FREEDOM a week this fall with the children in school.
Watching Amelia develop a best friend.
Going to the WIC conference and being so proud of Kevin in his work with Indelible Grace.
Hearing how God has used Indelible Grace music to encourage so many.
Taking the children to Disney World with Kevin’s family.
Seeing Amelia’s eyes light up when she saw the castle and the princesses!
Riding a roller coaster with cooper
Sea World
Helping out as room mom at cooper’s school.
Watching Patty Griffin at the Folk Festival
Giving Amelia a doll house for Christmas.
Watching my children open their presents Christmas morning
Having front row seats to see God work in students’ lives.
Seeing that God is faithful to continue to break my cold heart and pull me back to Himself.
Watching all of Lost and Arrested Development on DVD

Hard things in 06:
Finding out that Kevin has a leaky Aortic valve and he will have to have open-heart surgery in 2-4 years.
Dustin Salter (RUF campus minister @ Furman) having an accident and not waking up yet.
Watching friends get their hearts broken.

These are a few of my favorite things in 06:

Playing in the snow at RUF winter conference with the kids.
Celebrating 8 years of marriage
Throwing my daughter a tea party birthday.
Watching Isaac make sweet friends of his own at school.
Hearing Amelia use her words more and learning what she is thinking about.
Going to the beach spring break with friends and family.
Seeing Isaac play soccer for the first time.
Watching Cooper play soccer.
Watching Cooer and Isaac play baseball and t-ball for the first time.
Meeting some of my best friends at the Y and working out together as we share our struggles and our hope.
RUF summer conference and seeing the other RUF wives and kids.
Going to the pool most summer days and meeting friends there to play.
Throwing Cooper a Leopard birthday party
Seeing one of my best friends move home
Friends having babies
Going to St. Thomas with my husband to snorkel and reconnect.
Throwing Isaac a baseball birthday.
Sending Cooper to zoo camp.
Going on vacation with my family to the lake.
Having 10 hours of FREEDOM a week this fall with the children in school.
Watching Amelia develop a best friend.
Going to the WIC conference and being so proud of Kevin in his work with Indelible Grace.
Hearing how God has used Indelible Grace music to encourage so many.
Taking the children to Disney World with Kevin’s family.
Seeing Amelia’s eyes light up when she saw the castle and the princesses!
Riding a roller coaster with cooper
Sea World
Helping out as room mom at cooper’s school.
Watching Patty Griffin at the Folk Festival
Giving Amelia a doll house for Christmas.
Watching my children open their presents Christmas morning
Having front row seats to see God work in students’ lives.
Seeing that God is faithful to continue to break my cold heart and pull me back to Himself.
Watching all of Lost and Arrested Development on DVD

Hard things in 06:
Finding out that Kevin has a leaky Aortic valve and he will have to have open-heart surgery in 2-4 years.
Dustin Salter (RUF campus minister @ Furman) having an accident and not waking up yet.
Watching friends get their hearts broken.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Mei Mei sings

Amelia sings Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, and Nothing But the Blood(this is her favorite song that she listens to all day if I let her!)

Sunday, September 03, 2006

A new season....
This week marks time as the first time Amelia will go into mother's day out. So that means that 2 days a week from 9-2 all my children will be in some type of school! Since we do not plan on having any more children, this is a big deal for me.

Jesus has helped me through this busy season and i am excited about a few days off:)
You can see pics from our fun-filled summer at:

Today my song is this:

Great is thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me

Morning by morning I wake up to find
The power and comfort of God’s hand in mine
Season by season I watch Him, amazed
In awe of the mystery of His perfect ways
All I have need of, His hand will provide
He’s always been faithful to me.

I can’t remember a trial or a pain
He did not recycle to bring me gain
I can’t remember one single regret
In serving God only, and trusting His hand
All I have need of, His hand will provide
He’s always been faithful to me.

This is my anthem, this is my song
The theme of the stories I’ve heard for so long
God has been faithful, He will be again
His loving compassion, it knows no end
All I have need of, His hand will provide
He’s always been faithful, He’s always been faithful
He’s always been faithful to me.
by Sara Groves

Monday, April 10, 2006

April 10, 2006
Well,I started this because I wanted to post a comment on a blog and look where
I ended up:) I am a busy wife and mommy, so I am going to probably not post much...but I will post some I hope. Now that I have spent my free time setting this up tonight, I must go to bed. Pretty lame for the first post, but I also set up a Xanga account and you can read my first post there: